Hey There Gorgeous!

We are Lou and Jo, the LIT SKIN mummas.

This brain child came about when me, Lou, managed to work a grand total of six days one month due to daycare bugs, SIX ! (if you aren’t already a breeder, seriously consider your options ;) … jokes) That in combination with not being able to help my clients skins that month and frustration about what the current masks COULDNT do led me to, possibly after a couple of wines, start LIT SKIN and my ADHD hyper focused brain and I set about to bring the best masks we could to the market.
Also knowing my brain I get kinda bored when the thing is done, so I called up the all round awesome human and best skin therapist I know and said …“ Babe, you in ?” She is great at all the practical shit I’m not …  and that’s the story of LIT SKIN

Between us we have over 40 years experience treating skin conditions, Hell Jo even used to teach this stuff.

When you buy from us you are supporting a small Australian business and literally helping to make our and our kids lives better. How damn feel good is that. Gives you a bit of a glow on the inside to match the one you’re gonna get on the outside, right ? Win bloody Win!

Oh yeah… I swear a bit